About Victor Phillips
Victor Phillips World Evangelism (VPWE) is a devoted to the revival and demonstration of God's power through the Holy Spirit!
Our purpose is to bring salvation and deliverance to the whole man - spirit, soul, and body - through Apostolic and Prophetic ministries, Crusades, Revival Festivals, Teaching and Preaching the Word of God and networking with churches and other ministries, to bring the Holy Spirit's fire, direction, encouragement and strength to the Body of Christ, and to educate our youth naturally and spiritually.
Victor & Victoria Phillips received the divine call of the Lord Jesus Christ into full time ministry years ago. At this time, they were employed in the secular field. After their Bible/pastoral education and ordination, they have continued serving the Lord. The Lord Jesus said to Victor during one of several very powerful Holy Spirit encounters, after taking him to the gates of Heaven and hell; "I am giving you a new ministry, go, preach the Word of salvation, deliverance, healing, and prosperity and prepare My people for Heaven". Since then, they minister with love, passion, and the miraculous power of God.
The Phillips' have pioneered and pastored several churches in several nations of the world where they have served as missionaries, before embarking on God's Apostolic/Prophetic mandates on their lives.
The anointing of the Holy Spirit is always present during their meetings. Many call them the Apostles of prayers because of the divine revelations of God's word, and gifts of the Holy Spirit functioning for prayer, intercession and miracles given them by the Lord Jesus Christ. Their commitment to God’s call have taken them to Thirty-nine (39) Nations, holding crusades, Revival meetings, planting several churches, ministering in churches and in Minister's conferences. Victor & Victoria operate in the supernatural power and unction of the Holy Spirit.
They mix their ministry with the rigorous discipline acquired from their education and combined secular careers and other spheres of life. Their very powerful encounters with the Lord Jesus Christ and various life experiences have made them excellent expository preachers and teachers of The Word with relevance.
Victor Phillips World Evangelism has worldwide network of associate churches and ministries. Victor and Victoria are very happily married, and have been blessed with four miracle children. Jesus Christ is Lord!